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Performance Task

Have you ever wondered what makes you who you are? Your identity is constantly evolving through your experiences and continues to influence the person you are becoming. In this task, you will be reflecting on both your physical characteristics and the external factors such as culture, family, worldviews, and experiences that shape one’s identity.


You will:


1. A Self-portrait

  • Inventory of physical traits

  • Medium: 

    • Limited to 2D paper and using graphite, pencil crayon, chalk, oil pastel, pen or ink.

    • Modifications to medium can be changed if student wants to do watercolor or paint.

2. A partnered self-portrait

  • Inventory of physical traits

  • Medium:

    • Limited to 2D paper and using graphite, pencil crayon, chalk, oil pastel, pen or ink.

    • Modifications to medium can be changed if student wants to do watercolor or paint.

3. An innerscape portrait

  • Consider culture, family, worldviews, experience

  • Medium will be open-ended and can be 3D or 2D. Students may begin to think about utilizing other art forms such as found object, performance art, etc. 


4. A Reflection

  • 500-1000 words

  • Reflecting on the question “What shapes your identity?”


On November 15th, 2018, we will be inviting the resident artist back to our class where we will have a showcase to share and celebrate your work.

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