Day 3
Guiding Question(s):
How does genotype influence phenotype?
Overview of the Lesson:
Do a review on Punnett squares using a Kahoot (Engage/ evaluate)
Lesson on: probabilities/ ratios create in Punnett squares, sex-linked, codominance and incomplete dominance inheritance patterns (30–C2.5k) (Explain)
As a class: will work through a series of examples on PowerPoint, to show students the trends of these inheritance patterns (30–C2.3s)
Give students a worksheet that has them investigate a genetic mystery (Explore/ Evaluate): A mother believes that she has brought home the wrong baby from the hospital. You’re Sherlock Holmes, investigate this mystery and determine if the mother is right (Elaborate)
Discuss results/ answers as a class
Introduction of Pedigrees
Provocation: Missing Romanov children: Biotechnology can be used to identify victims of a brutal crime as well as trace genetic disorders present in a family for generations? (Engage)
application of Punnett squares to determine inheritance patterns within family lineage
Briefly introduce pedigree assignment and what students need to do at home
Introduction to the inquiry deliverable: Students will be asked to collect data from their family members about one of the following traits: Cleft chin, widow’s peak, Free or attached earlobes, Face freckles, Cheek dimples, Hitchhiker's thumb (trait guide:
The students will have to ask as many family members as possible (ideally parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc.) about the trait they have chosen and record the data
ART 30
Guiding Question(s):
How much do external factors like culture, friends, or society shape your identity?
To what extent do you use your personal experiences to frame your artwork and conceptual understanding?
Overview of the Lesson:
Provocation: Show Taylor McPherson's portrait and have students read her reflection
Introduction of Part Two in the Performance Task
Create an artwork that expresses your identity that does not rely solely on physical traits. Students’ self-portraits were their outerscapes but what do those self-portraits look like when we consider our innerscapes? (AB Competencies - Critical Thinking) (DRAWINGS-Record, Investigate A.B., Communicate A.B, Articulate and Evaluate C. p. 5) (ENCOUNTERS - Impact of Images A.B. p.6)
Students are expected to spend time in a planning and exploration phase through initial multiple drafts/sketches and considering how they want to present their innerscape portrait. Medium will be open-ended and can be 3D or 2D. Students may begin to think about utilizing other art forms such as found object, performance art, etc. (AB Competencies - Problem Solving, Creativity and Innovation) (COMPOSITIONS - Components A.B.C., Relationships 1 A., Relationships 2 B. p. 5-6)