Day 1
Guiding Question(s):
Is identity given or created?
Who are you?
Overview of the Lesson:
Provocation: “Is identity given or created?” (Engage)
Students will participate in a Think-Pair-Share discussion around the question
Move class into a circle and ask: “Who are you?”
Facilitate class discussion about the various categories that arise (race, religion, gender, experiences, etc.)
Prompt: which categories were given, and which were created?
Move discussion around identity and the guiding question of the class
Have students write a brief reflection about the question “is identity given or created?” and then put in the student’s portfolio for the unit (UDL principle 9.3)
Introduce the interdisciplinary topic that is being explored
ART 30
Guiding Question(s):
What do you look like and how do you express it in a visual 2-dimensional form?
How do you perceive yourself and others around you; in what ways are you affected by this perception?
Overview of the Lesson:
Resident artist comes in to talk about their own practice - Art used as an expression of identity (ENCOUNTERS - Sources of Images A.B., Impact of Images A.B., p. 6)
Provide information about the showcase and performance task surrounding the essential question: What shapes your identity? (AB Competencies - Critical Thinking, Personal Growth and Well-Being)
Students will begin Part One of the performance task – see Performance Task for more information (DRAWINGS-Record, Investigate A.B., Communicate A., Articulate and Evaluate B.C. p. 5)
Students will be given the rubric for the performance task (UDL principle 9.1)